Three MICHELIN Stars: Exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey!


  • 1-21-2 Shimanouchi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 542-0082, Japan
  • ¥¥¥ · Japanese

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

Hitoshi Takahata pushes his craft forward every day and borrows ingredients from French cuisine. White asparagus are coated in ground senbei rice crackers and deep fried; in autumn, the takikomi-gohan features mushrooms such as hen-of-the-woods and chanterelle; and duck from Challans is charcoal-grilled and seasoned with sansho salt. By fusing the ingredients and cultures of France and Japan, Taian reveals a new generation of Japanese cuisine.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • American Express credit card
  • Counter dining
  • Credit card / Debit card accepted
  • Diners Club credit card
  • JCB
  • Mastercard credit card
  • Visa credit card

+81 6-6120-0790


  • 1-9-11 Edobori, Nishi-ku, Osaka, 550-0002, Japan
  • ¥¥¥¥ · Innovative

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

 Owner-chef Hajime Yoneda boldly pursues a magnificent journey in gastronomy, on the theme of ‘a dialogue with the Earth’. Interpreting the faces of the seasons from his own unique perspective, he incorporates story-like messages into his cuisine. A house specialty, called ‘Chikyu’ meaning “the Earth”, is a representative example; it tells the tale of nature’s bounty born of the cycles of mountain and ocean, all on a single plate.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • American Express credit card
  • Credit card / Debit card accepted
  • Diners Club credit card
  • JCB
  • Mastercard credit card
  • Particularly interesting wine list
  • Restaurant offering vegetarian menus
  • Visa credit card
+81 6-6447-6688

[미쉐린가이드] 2023년 새롭게 미쉐린 스타를 받은 레스토랑은 어디일까?

총 5곳의 새로운 레스토랑이 미쉐린 가이드 서울 2023 리스트에 이름을 올렸습니다. 미쉐린 가이드 인스펙터들의 코멘트와 함께 새롭게 미쉐린 스타를 받은 레스토랑들이 어디인지 알아봅니다.

지난 10월 13일, 미쉐린 가이드 서울 2023이 발간되었습니다. 코로나 이후 3년만에 치러진 공식 발간 행사와 갈라 디너 행사에 많은 레스토랑들이 참여해 즐거움의 미소를 더해준 덕분에 더욱 의미있는 행사가 될 수 있었습니다.

올해는 특히나 새로운 스페셜 어워드 시상을 비롯한 여러가지 변화가 있어 더욱 많은 관심을 받았는데요, 새로운 레스토랑들 5곳이 미쉐린 스타를 받으며 리스트에 진입했습니다. 한식부터 양식, 테판야키까지 다양한 분야의 레스토랑들이 리스트에 더해지며 서울이 가진 다채로운 면모를 더욱 명확히 담아낼 수 있었습니다. 미쉐린 가이드 인스펙터들이 발견한 각 레스토랑의 매력적인 면모와 함께 다섯 곳의 새로운 미쉐린 원 스타 레스토랑을 소개합니다.

강민철 레스토랑
서울시 강남구 도산대로 68길 18

거장이라 불릴 만한 경지에 오른 요리사들과 함께했던 시간은 강민철 셰프에게 요리에 대한 열정과 철학, 자부심은 물론 자신이 나아가야 할 방향에 대한 큰 동기를 부여했다. 이렇듯 그의 이름을 내건 레스토랑의 요리에는 그가 진중하게 걸어온 요리사로서의 자세와 방향성이 오롯이 담겨져 있다. 묵직한 풍미의 다양한 클래식 프렌치 소스를 기반으로 변화무쌍하게 맛의 조합을 이끌어 내는 강민철 레스토랑의 요리는 세련된 프렌치 퀴진의 다양한 스타일을 보여주면서도 중심이 잘 잡힌 프렌치 퀴진 본연의 깊이 있는 맛의 흐름도 잘 표현하고 있다. 공간이 넓지 않아 예약이 쉽지는 않지만 그만큼의 멋진 다이닝 경험을 얻을 수 있을 것이다.

레스토랑 알렌
서울시 강남구 테헤란로 231, 센터필드 East 2층 E205호

서현민 셰프가 본인의 이름을 딴 레스토랑을 오픈했다. 그간 호흡을 맞춰온 팀과 함께 제철 식재료를 기반으로 한국의 아름다운 사계절을 표현하는 요리들을 선보인다. 셰프만의 특기인 다채로운 식기를 이용해 시각을 만족시키는 플레이팅과 함께 섬세한 맛을 풀어낸다. 특히 훈연한 철갑상어와 캐비아를 올린 작은 파이, 젤라틴을 이용해 굳힌 비트루트, 다시마에 숙성해 풍미가 느껴지는 전갱이 등 시즌에 따라 달라지는 다양한 어뮤즈 부쉬가 우든 트레이에 담겨 제공된다. 저녁에만 맛볼 수 있는 24개월 숙성 레지아노 치즈 아이스크림과 블루치즈 퓨레 또한 굉장한 별미이다. 한층 더 넓어진 공간에 와인바와 함께 운영되며 파스타 메뉴도 맛볼 수 있다고 하니 꼭 방문해 보시길 바란다.

서울특별시 용산구 신흥로26길 35

근대 서울의 흔적이 아직 남아 있는 해방촌에서 감각적인 파인 다이닝에 도전한 윤대현 셰프와 김희은 셰프의 소울. 이곳은 현대 한국에서 접할 수 있는 여러 식문화와 재료, 그리고 일상에서 접할 수 있는 익숙한 맛을 감각적으로 풀어낸 요리를 선보인다. 레스토랑 이름에는 여러 의미가 함축되어 있지만 그 이름처럼 소울이 담긴 요리를 전하고자 하는 셰프의 마음이 모든 음식에서 느껴진다. 윤 셰프는 자신의 반려자이자 동료인 김희은 셰프와 함께 건물 내부에 다양한 공간을 구성함으로써 여러 스타일의 다이닝을 즐길 수 있게 했다.

서울시 강남구 도산대로 37길 6, 4층

엄태준 셰프는 본인이 요리사로서 경험한 다양한 순간과 노하우를 한국적인 요소들과 접목시켜 솔밤의 요리로 만들어 발전시키고 있다. 특히 자연 존중의 철학, 계절과 절기에 입각한 한국 식재료에 대한 연구와 이해, 그리고 한국적인 요리 테크닉 등을 절묘하게 활용하여 셰프 자신의 요리 자산과 접목시킨 현대적인 요리를 선보인다. 이 같은 셰프의 지극한 관심과 노력은 코스가 진행되는 동안 순수한 미식의 즐거움을 고객에게 안겨준다. 차분하고 유연하게 흘러가는 맛과 향, 풍미의 연계성이 훌륭한 모던 퀴진을 솔밤에서 경험해 보도록 하자.

서울시 강남구 도산대로 420, 청담스퀘어 B동 2층

130도에서 180도의 온도에서 이뤄지는 판의 예술. 김일판 셰프가 운영하는 레스토랑 일판은 판에서 이뤄지는 시각적 즐거움이 정확한 온도에서 익혀지는 맛으로 이어지는 기쁨을 느낄 수 있는 공간이다. 한식과 일식, 양식의 조리 기법을 사용하여 다양한 메뉴를 선보이는 이곳은 카운터 테이블마다 불판이 구비되어 있어 각자의 메뉴를 시차 없이 즐길 수 있다. 식사 전 선보이는 신선한 재료와 더불어 요리 과정을 하나하나 지켜보며 먹는 재미를 함께 느껴 보시기 바란다.

작성자 MICHELIN Guide Korea 

[MICHELIN GUIDE JAPAN] Kyoto Yamashina-ku Bib Gourmand 1(9)

Jukuseibuta Kawamura

  • 57-1 Takehana Nishinoguchicho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto, 607-8089, Japan
  • ¥ · Tonkatsu

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

The tonkatsu is fried in a mix of canola oil and lard. Diners can choose from a number of brands of aged pork, which has been left to sit to enhance the umami. The meat is wrapped in low-carb breadcrumbs and fried slowly at low heat for a nicely browned, fluffy batter. The chef’s pride comes out in how the fried cutlets are served with the cut side up, showing the pink flesh. The pork boiled down in soy and served with rice can be considered a Japanese-equivalent of pork rillettes.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • American Express credit card
  • Counter dining
  • Credit card / Debit card accepted
  • Diners Club credit card
  • JCB
  • Mastercard credit card
  • Visa credit card

+81 75-595-0295

[MICHELIN GUIDE JAPAN] Kyoto Ukyo-ku Bib Gourmand 1(9)


  • 68 Sagatenryuji Susukinobabacho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, 616-8385, Japan
  • ¥¥ · Shojin

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

Kyoto is the birthplace of many culinary traditions and among these is Shojin ryori, a style that originated in Zen Buddhist teachings. Serving dishes on vermilion-lacquered wooden trays became the official service protocol of Tenryuji, a temple of the Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism. Shigetsu’s offerings are characterised by generous helpings of seasonal vegetables; Goma-dofu is the house’s standard dish. Take a postprandial stroll in nearby World Heritage Site, Sogenchiteien Garden.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • American Express credit card
  • Car park
  • Credit card / Debit card accepted
  • Diners Club credit card
  • JCB
  • Mastercard credit card
  • Restaurant offering vegetarian menus
  • Shoes must be removed
  • Visa credit card
    +81 75-882-9725

[MICHELIN GUIDE JAPAN] Kyoto Sakyo-ku Bib Gourmand 16 (8)

[MICHELIN GUIDE JAPAN] Kyoto Shimogyo-ku Bib Gourmand 15 (7)


  • 12-5 Nishishichijo Kakegoshicho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8881, Japan
  • ¥ · Ramen

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

The owner-chef’s journey toward opening a ramen shop traces all the way back to primary school, when the ramen his grandmother cooked for him kindled his love for the dish. After getting a job at a flour-milling company, he made himself an expert on wheat. Eventually he devised his own unique take: ‘Ramen with Scallops and Japanese Pepper’, made with flavoursome homemade noodles. The restaurant name means ‘a new dawn for wheat’, announcing that a new day has dawned for the ramen industry.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • Cash only
  • Counter dining


  • 1-16 Sujaku Shokaicho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8841, Japan
  • ¥ · Ramen

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

The owner-chef created his menu by trial and error, driven by the search for ingredients that are quintessentially Kyoto. Turning his eye to locally raised duck, he conceived his renowned ‘Kyoto Duck and Dried Nodoguro Soba’. The soup is prepared with dashi of duck bones and tai heads and enriched with dashi of venison bones; the garnish of Kujo green onions is a consummate Kyoto touch. Those who lean toward lighter flavours should try the ‘Rausu kombu Kake Soba’.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • Cash only
  • Counter dining

+81 75-351-3608


  • 367 Takatsuji Inokumacho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8353, Japan
  • ¥¥ · Italian

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

Two couples, one the owner and proprietress, the other the chef and sommelier, greet customers in a charming old Japanese-style house. The fare is creative Italian, spiced and prepared to pair well with both sake and wine. The fusion of Japanese ingredients and Italian gastronomy is fascinating, such as the deep-fried salsiccia of chicken wings or the shrimp bread in white miso and Genovese sauce.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • American Express credit card
  • Counter dining
  • Credit card / Debit card accepted
  • Diners Club credit card
  • JCB
  • Mastercard credit card
  • Notable sake list
  • Visa credit card


+81 75-366-6666

Tonkatsu Ichiban

  • 403 Teppocho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8265, Japan
  • ¥ · Tonkatsu

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

The tonkatsu is savoured with demi-glace sauce. Though the tonkatsu gets top billing as the restaurant’s speciality, the demi-glace, simmered for a full 10 days, surely deserves equal mention. From his mentor, who trained in yoshoku, the second-generation owner-chef inherited not only the flavouring but also the old-school dining-hall feel. With the retro building, plate-glass windows and shop-worn chairs, time seems to have stood still. It’s no surprise that Tonkatsu Ichiban was founded in 1960.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • Cash only
  • Counter dining
+81 75-371-0722

[MICHELIN GUIDE JAPAN] Kyoto Nakagyo-ku Bib Gourmand 36 (6)

Ryori Rihaku

  • 9-16 Nishinokyo Nagamotocho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-8421, Japan
  • ¥¥ · Japanese

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

To prioritise the fun of choosing at this counter-based kappo, the owner-chef focuses on à la carte dishes. Items featuring hamo and sabazushi are classic Kyoto mainstays. But the dishes that combine Japanese and Chinese gastronomy are also intriguing; it turns out that the owner-chef’s father was a Chinese chef. Offerings include oysters drizzled in heated scallion oil and large shrimp dressed in mayonnaise. The connection between father and son lends the cuisine its distinctive character.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • Cash only
  • Counter dining

+81 75-802-8028


  • 149 Nishinokyo Hoshigaikecho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-8416, Japan
  • ¥ · Chinese

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

          A father-and-son team mans the woks at this Chinese restaurant. The father’s offerings, which have pleased the locals for generations, sit side-by-side with authentic Szechuan cuisine from the son’s gastronomic studies. One dish for which Taiho has been renowned since its opening is the ‘Teridon Kinshi’. This quintessentially Kyoto dish consists of rice topped with pork and kinshi tamago (ribbons of omelette). Also recommended is the ‘Yodaredori’, steamed chicken with a spicy sauce.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • Cash only

+81 75-822-5598


  • 264-1 Nijo Aburanokojicho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-0051, Japan
  • ¥¥ · Japanese

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

The speciality here is kamameshi cooked in individual portions. Leveraging the experience he cultivated during his training, the chef treats you to various ingredients. The kamameshi served here includes everything from the standard gomoku (five ingredients) and wild vegetables to seasonal ingredients like ice fish in the spring and ayu in the summer, there’s even a variation inspired by Western cuisine, like paella. There are also à la carte items and shuko as you would expect to find at a kappo restaurant. It’s suited to casual use, and you can chat with the cheerful owner-chef.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • American Express credit card
  • Counter dining
  • Credit card / Debit card accepted
  • Diners Club credit card
  • JCB
  • Mastercard credit card
  • Visa credit card
+81 75-754-8827

[MICHELIN GUIDE JAPAN] KYOTO Minami-ku Bib Gourmand 1 (5)


  • 15-2 Higashikujo Nishisannocho, Minami-ku, Kyoto, 601-8003, Japan
  • ¥¥ · Japanese

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

The sensibilities of owner-chef Yoshito Tanaka live in every item of the inventive menu. In the noodles with duck and Kujo spring onion, truffles replace the sansho, enhancing the aroma. The fare reflects the arrival of each season without show or fanfare. An appetiser of root vegetables enrobed in yuba ankake sauce, for example, represents autumn leaves. One nice touch is that portions are adjusted and divided according to each diner’s preferences.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • Cash only
  • Counter dining

+81 75-691-8155

[MICHELIN GUIDE JAPAN] KYOTO Kita-ku Bib Gourmand 8 (4)

Sobashubo Ichii

  • 62 Hirano Miyanishicho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8357, Japan
  • ¥ · Soba

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

The marquee dishes here are hand-made soba and duck preparations. The basic seiro (soba noodles served on a wickerwork tray) is the kyuwari type (10% flour) for suppleness and flavour. Coarse ground nihachi and juwari, from different regions, are also used. For added enjoyment, try comparing the various sobas. Osaka Kawachi ducks are used, a good fit due to their tender flesh and sweet fat. Sample the duck seiro or the kamonanban to taste how well the soba dipping sauce goes with the fat.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • Cash only
  • Counter dining

+81 75-286-8286

 Shichiku Kiko

  • 16 Shichiku Shimotakedonocho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8412, Japan
  • ¥¥ · Japanese

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

As a student, the owner-chef used to entertain his friends with his cooking and he established his restaurant where he spent those youthful days. Simple arrangements such as anago tsukuri with the skin charred and garnished with salt, and rice cooked in earthenware pots make for comforting dishes. Rice and vegetables from Shiga and ayu from Lake Biwa testify to his love of his hometown. A ceramic Shigaraki-ware racoon seated on the floor greets the diner on entering.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • American Express credit card
  • Counter dining
  • Credit card / Debit card accepted
  • Diners Club credit card
  • JCB
  • Mastercard credit card
  • Visa credit card
+81 75-406-5758

[MICHELIN GUIDE JAPAN] KYOTO Kamigyo-ku Bib Gourmand 4 (3)

Kyoto Curry Seisakusho Karil

  • 349-1 Haruobicho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, 602-8026, Japan
  • ¥ · Curry

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

This restaurant’s curry is neither Indian nor European, but their own original. The lack of flour is reminiscent of Indian curries, but Indian cuisine has no tradition of drawing dashi. Borrowing from his experience with yoshoku cuisine, the head chef uses chicken and beef for broth. Only about 10 spices are used, allowing each individual flavour to be brought to the fore. In keeping with the theme of familiar dishes the way they used to be made, the curries are paired with Japanese rice.

Facilities & Services

  • Air conditioning
  • American Express credit card
  • Counter dining
  • Credit card / Debit card accepted
  • Diners Club credit card
  • JCB
  • Mastercard credit card
  • Visa credit card
+81 75-211-6110